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story in English

Hi there #1~~Let's share Easy & Fun with English

Hi there~



It's good to see you in English.

How are you? Hope you are very fine with all of you


I have been Tistory for a month.

I have felt excited with all new things even many free skins in here.



when I joined in Tistory, I was able to read many kind of stories from others day by day.

It was my first experience in online also in blog.

It was so impressive, also still fascinating activity to me.


I've usually written about reviewing books or thought what I had been in my life.

I think  that those things are quite enough to share for now.


Anyway it is just beginning in Englidh today.

I suppose I will write and share with you what I know some useful or interesting things.



Enjoy your day~~

see you soon~~

'story in English' 카테고리의 다른 글

you can bless by yourself ; 무지개원리(짧은후기)  (1) 2021.07.12